Grindings #014: Tardy Callback

May 11, 2014

Box Angeles Grindings Updates


This past week I had a callback for a commercial. This is basically a second audition – to do the same thing you did at the first – so the upper level casting folks and people paying for the commercial can see their favorites in person. Great news, right? Normally that is the case, but when the gig only pays a small amount – standard non-union – and the callback is 90 minutes behind schedule, you start to wonder.


Nonetheless I thought I killed it, and didn’t hear back … So even worse my time spent was lengthy and for zero income.


On to the next one.


Also, I’m not sure how / why most auditions start late – if it is literally their job, everyday, to keep them on time, you’d think they would have it down to a science of getting thespians in and out on schedule. It isn’t a government job after all.


I also went home at the last the minute for the weekend to surprise my dearest mom for Mother’s day. Lots of friends, food, drinks, driving and flying … Very little sleep. Was wonderful to see everyone though.

Mike ‘Box’ Elder is an aspiring actor and comedian. He loves to share the many joys / complaints of LA with friends. Follow him on Twitter @mikeboxelder.